Support the Manchester Community Wind Farm

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I support the development of the Manchester Community Wind Farm as it will provide a sustainable, competitively priced, clean energy source in the State of Vermont. Wind power is a viable sustainable alternative to fossil fuel generation and signifies a major step forward in reducing air pollution and global warming. The Manchester Community Wind Farm will prevent more than 400,000 pounds of air pollution each day. It will also generate competitively priced energy and generate taxes, jobs and create an ecotourism attraction for the Manchester region.






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Latest news

The MCWF Latest

Summer, 2009

"Vermont Yankee: The Costs of Nuclear"

July 27, 2009

"Vermont receives $8.8 million in recovery funds for renewable energy projects"

Summer, 2006

"A Decade of Change: A vision for Vermont's Renewable Energy Future"

Summer, 2006

"On the Ground: Manchester, Vermont" from the Orton Family Foundation E-Journal